release notes

  • Public issue tracker offline - I wanted to make everyone aware that the public issue tracker for IC2 is currently unavailable due to a broad spam attack on Bitbucket public issue trackers. As I posted in a recent update, Atlassian/Bitbucket support is still requesting that affected issue trackers be kept private while they implement measures to mitigate the impact of this attack. In the meantime, please feel free to send any bug reports, enhancement requests, etc., directly to me via email or in the public discussion groups. I have been transcribing these requests into the issue tracker so that they're concretely on my working backlog and available for community feedback once the issue tracker is restored to a public state. I appreciate your patience and understanding while this valuable resource is offline.
  • Issue 1419 - The IDE's browser configuration is now used even for URLs opened via the Salesforce CLI. This allows the use of browsers that are not supported by the CLI itself. Unfortunately OAuth Web login does not benefit from this enhancement and is still limited to browsers supported by the CLI.
  • Issue 2242 - Added a new Inconsistent API version code inspection to help gain insight into and ownership of the various API version references in a Salesforce project's metadata files. The inspection must be configured for the authoritative/reference API version as one of the following:
    • Latest supported API version - The API version used by IC2 to communicate with the Salesforce APIs based on the most recent Salesforce platform update.
    • Configured connection API version - The API version of the module's/project's configured connection. The API version of a scratch org connection is derived from the sfdx-project.json file's sourceApiVersion property. The API version of all other connections is configured explicitly in the IC2 connection manager. This is the default option.
    • sfdx-project.json API version - The value of the sfdx-project.json file's sourceApiVersion property. This option is useful for source format projects that don't use a package.xml-based metadata subscription, particularly if the sfdx-project.json file is used by other tools such as CI/CD systems.
    • package.xml API version - The value of the package.xml file's version element. This option is useful for projects that use a package.xml-based metadata subscription, particularly if the same package.xml file is used by other tools such as CI/CD systems.
    The inspection can be further configured for project components which specify an API version that should be validated against the authoritative/reference API version including:
    • The configured connection
    • The sfdx-project.json file
    • The package.xml file
    • Metadata XML files
    Metadata XML files which need to use a specific API version other than the authoritative/reference API version—typically for purposes of backward-compatibility—can be registered with the inspection as ignored. The inspection includes quick fixes for changing inconsistent project component API versions to match the authoritative/reference API version and adding metadata XML files with inconsistent API versions to the list of ignored files. A demonstration video is available here.
  • The Salesforce CLI executable path is now automatically discovered from the system execution path if available. It's still possible to configure IC2 to use a Salesforce CLI other than the one from the path, but if the configured path is the same as the one from the system execution path, the value is cleared so that the host environment's default CLI is used regardless of its location. If the Salesforce CLI is discovered in the system execution path and the user does not wish for IC2 to use it, it can be disabled by unchecking Use Salesforce CLI executable from execution path.
  • Fixed an issue with debug log parsing when the log includes Flow code units.
  • Fixed an issue with the apexSubtypes() live template macro where it would not properly show sub-types of the specified type.