
Showing posts from November, 2023 release notes JetBrains 2023.3 (pre-release) support  - At the time of this release, the JetBrains 2023.3 IDEs are still in a  pre-release  state (currently  Beta ). As usual, I have updated IC2 for each pre-release build to ensure compatibility and will continue to do so until the final release, but I'm also unlocking IC2 support for that version even before the final official release. This obviously carries some risk for  early adopters  as there could be breaking plugin SDK changes during the final beta and release candidate phases. If so, I will again update IC2 to accommodate for those breaking changes. While  not recommended , if you choose to move to 2023.3 while it's still in pre-release, you will receive a warning when the IDE is first started about this potentially fragile state. If you encounter issues unique to these 2023.3 pre-release builds, please file a bug in the  public issue tracker  to ensure that I'm aware of them, then revert to a fully-supported released release notes Issue 2458  - Fixed an issue that would result in deployment of all of the project's custom labels when deployment is requested for a subset of the project's custom labels. This issue would only occur in source format projects and was the result of a workaround for a bug in the Salesforce CLI's deployment commands when invoked with an explicit list of custom labels that now seems to be resolved. Issue 2462  - Fixed an issue that could occur during OST generation when trying to load a local custom object metadata file with malformed XML. Implemented a few UX enhancements for the dialog used to communicate actions or changes against potentially large sets of files and/or metadata, e.g., conflict detection, adding metadata to a subscription, delete propagation, etc., including: Improved header icon and message layout. The tree view now includes a toolbar with expand all and collapse all buttons. The tree view now supports speed search for type-down searching of its c release notes Issue 2394  - Added support for a new metadata subscription type,  Local files , that can be used in any IC2 project to infer a metadata subscription from the project's local metadata files, filtering by  .forceignore  if present. This effectively removes the requirement for an explicit metadata subscription—either as a configured selection (metadata format projects only) or a  package.xml  file—for projects configured against non-source-tracked organizations. Note that while any files added to the configured source roots of an IC2 project with this subscription type are automatically considered part of the metadata subscription (again, unless filtered by  .forceignore ), org metadata must still be added to the project using the  Retrieve Metadata  action, typically configured with  Contents  set to  Custom  and  Subscribed Only  disabled. Note that projects configured against source-tracked orgs are automatically updated to use this metadata subscription type, and the su