
Showing posts from June, 2022 release notes External Services support (beta)  - Added beta-level support for  External Service Registrations in Apex  by generating Apex service interface classes into the  ExternalService  namespace of the OST. Note that there are some known issues and omissions at present, the resolution of which will require additional information from Salesforce. I have already connected with the relevant team and will be meeting with them soon. This feature will evolve based on those discussions. Issue 2137  - Added the missing  lightning/flowSupport  LWC module. Note that there will be no standard weekly releases for the next 2-3 weeks as I am stepping aside for some quality time with my family. The standard release cadence will resume again in mid-July with the typical new features, enhancements, and fixes. Of course, support will continue to be available during this time, and if updates are required for critical issues I will provide them as appropriate. release notes Issue 2132  - Added missing  oncommit  event handler to the LWC  lightning-input  component. Issue 2133  - Added support for SVG files in LWC bundles. While in that area, I also fixed an issue where Lightning tabbed editors opened from  *.svg  files would include an extra tab for the default SVG file editor, and the full SVG file editor is now used for those files even in the tabbed editor interface. Issue 2135  - Added missing  N_*_AGO  SOQL date literals. While in that area, I also added a code completion insert handler to append a  :  suffix to parameterized date literals so that the user is left only needing to enter the parameter value itself. Fixed an issue with open tabbed editors for bundles not being refreshed properly when individual files in those bundles are removed. release notes Issue 2128 - Summer '22 / API v55.0 support Updated all SOAP API clients to be based on the API v55.0 WSDLs. Updated the API version used for primary communication with Salesforce APIs to 55.0. Added 55.0 as an available API version number for configured connections. Updated  metadata.xsd  used for validation and code completion in metadata XML files to API v55.0. Updated the OST version number to prompt regeneration for system API changes in API v55.0. Updated Visualforce, Aura, and LWC components, functions, modules, etc., for Summer '22 changes. Updated the bundled SLDS to 2.18.0. Updated all integrated API documentation. Added support for the  @AuraEnabled  annotation  Scope='global'  attribute and updated the  Annotation and Modifier Agreement  code inspection to flag incorrect combinations of this annotation's attribute values with quick fixes to resolve those issues. Updated the  Annotation and Modifier Agreement  code inspection to flag overloaded release notes Issue 2127  - The file chooser dialogs on the Mac don't enforce the specified file extension like they do on Windows and Linux. As a result, saving a tab in the Anonymous Apex or SOQL Query tool windows could result in files without the corresponding  .apex  or  .soql  file extensions. Now if a file name is entered into the save dialog without the correct extension, the file is renamed to have that extension automatically. If you try to load a file into one of these tool windows without its associated extension, the load will fail until the file is renamed to have the expected extension. Issue 2131  - The fix for issue 2089 changed the timing for how delete and move events are processed and had the unfortunate side-effect of introducing a bug in in-place static resource bundle conversion. Now we filter for that type of event synchronously. Updated the  Annotation and modifier agreement  code inspection to check for non-static  @AuraEnabled  methods with a formal parameter release notes New Apex code inspections  - The following new real-time Apex code inspections have been added and are enabled by default in the bundled  Illuminated Cloud  code inspection profile: Duplicate declaration  - Reports declarations with names/signatures that already exist in the same declaration scope. Includes a quick fix to navigate to the duplicate declaration. Variable is assigned to itself  - Reports assignment of a variable to itself, most often the result of trying to initialize or update the value of a member variable from a constructor or method parameter with the same name. Includes a quick fix to add a  this.  qualification to the assignment target if the value is assigned to a member variable and a local variable exists with the same name. Field can be made static  - Reports instance variables that can safely be made static. This inspection ignores  global  fields by default but can be configured to report them if desired. Includes a quick fix to add a  static  modifi