
Showing posts from February, 2022 release notes ApexDoc enhancements  ApexDoc is interesting in that there are multiple implementations out there, each with its own set of enhancements, e.g., the original  ApexDoc ,  SfApexDoc  (upon which IC2's implementation has historically been based),  ApexDocs , and  ApexDox VS Code  (there are almost certainly others out there). It would be wonderful to see a true unified standard emerge—ideally from Salesforce—but in the interest of providing first-class IDE support for as much of the extended functionality offered by these derivative implementations as possible, I've enhanced IC2's ApexDoc support to include the effective union of these tools' supported features: Support for all known ApexDoc tags including all previously supported tags and the following new (to IC2) tags: @deprecated @example @exception  and  @throws  - both can be used, but in the spirit of consistency one must be configured as the way to document exception handling behavior, and usages of the ot release notes Keyword/usage case configuration and management enhancements Added a new configuration tab to  Settings / Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Apex ,  Case , for configuration of preferences for keyword case in case-insensitive languages such as Apex, SOQL, SOSL, and the Visualforce and Aura expression languages. For each language, case preferences can be selected for distinct token types, e.g., keywords vs. annotations vs. functions vs. constants/globals, as one of the following values: Recommended  ( default ) - use Illuminated Cloud's recommended case, e.g.,  @IsTest . Uppercase  - use all uppercase, e.g.,  @ISTEST . Lowercase  - use all lowercase, e.g.,  @istest . Capitalized  - use leading uppercase followed by all lowercase, e.g.,  @Istest . Camel case, leading upper  - capitalize all words including the first word, e.g.,  @IsTest . Camel case, leading lower  - capitalize all but the first word, e.g.,  @isTest . These settings are used by all appropriate fea release notes Issue 2046 - Spring '22 / API v54.0 support Updated all SOAP API clients to be based on the API v54.0 WSDLs. Updated the API version used for primary communication with Salesforce APIs to 54.0. Added 54.0 as an available API version number for configured connections. Updated  metadata.xsd  used for validation and code completion in metadata XML files to API v54.0. Updated the OST version number to prompt regeneration for system API changes in API v54.0. Updated Visualforce, Aura, and LWC components, functions, modules, etc., for Spring '22 changes. Added support for LWC light DOM / scoped CSS styles. Added support for  .ignore-autofocus  in Aura and LWC markup files. Added the  lightning/uiRelatedListApi  LWC module. Updated the  lightning/analyticsWaveApi  LWC module. Updated the bundled SLDS to 2.17.4. Updated all integrated API documentation. release notes Issue 2038 (redux)  - The parser fix for 2038 had a small ripple effect that could cause some odd behavior with Apex class, constructor, and enum constant declarations and references to those declarations. This ripple effect should now be properly addressed. Issue 2043  - Added missing custom SObject extensions to the list used to determine if a qualified name is  namespace __ name  or  name __ customObjectExtension , specifically for Big Objects, Knowledge Articles, and Knowledge Article Versions. This addresses issues with proper name resolution for custom objects of these types With the broad rollout of MFA now occurring, native connections may become less and less of a viable option as there's currently no way to handle the additional authentication factors. Instead OAuth connections should be used. Now when authentication fails for a native connection with certain well-known error types, IC2 includes additional messaging about MFA and the potential need to switch to release notes Issue 2038  - Fixed an Apex parser issue that would occur when an incomplete statement is entered just before a local variable declaration that is of an Apex primitive type. This should provide improved parser error recovery and therefore better code completions, references, etc., in both the incomplete statement and the following variable declaration. Issue 2041  - Fixed an issue with tabbed editors that would occur for files that already use a tabbed editor independent of IC2, e.g.,  *.csv  files (and similar) in commercial JetBrains IDEs which include tabs for both raw text and grid-oriented views. Now the existing sub-tabs are used instead of IC2's  Source  sub-tab alongside other sub-tabs such as  Metadata . IMPORTANT:  Eliminated the need for an overridden  Save All  action for reliable deploy-on-save behavior. If the  Override Save All action  option was previously enabled, the system  Save All  action will be restored in the current keymap. If the  Deploy on save