
Showing posts from December, 2023 release notes Issue 2468 - Graphical preview of Flow metadata Inspired by  Todd Halfpenny 's wonderful work on a  graphical viewer for Flow metadata  for VS Code, I've implemented similar for IC2. Now by default when you open a  *.flow[-meta.xml]  file in IC2, the default editor will feature a split view with the Flow XML on the left and a flowchart diagram on the right. This is the same IDE split editor component used for Markdown and SVG files and can be toggled to show only the source, only the preview, or both if desired. The preview is  live  and  automatically updates  as the Flow XML file contents change. The JetBrains  Markdown  ( bundled ) and  Mermaid  (freely-available via the  plugin marketplace ) plugins  must be installed  for this feature to be enabled. IC2 automatically assists with installation and enablement of these two plugins if necessary when Flow files are opened. The feature can also be disabled completely if desired by unchecking  Illuminated Cloud | Config release notes Issue 2474  - When  Settings | Editor | Code Style | Wrap on typing  is enabled, Apex string literals will no longer automatically wrap as string concatenation expressions in contexts in which a single string literal is required, specifically annotation attribute values,  switch when  literals, and SOQL/SOSL queries. Issue 2475  - Improved logic for matching retrieved metadata files against local files in existing bundle directories. Issue 2476  - Fixed a performance regression introduced in with Tooling API-based single file deployment in projects with Local Files metadata subscriptions. Prospective workaround for  IDEA-340523  where programmatic module facet configuration changes aren't being persisted properly in 2023.3, specifically the automatic migration of Selected and All/Project metadata subscriptions to Local Files metadata subscriptions. This workaround ensures that an unknown subscription type (i.e., one that was previously Selected or All/Project) is release notes Issue 2464  - Added support for the missing  lightning-select  LWC component. Issue 2469  - Fixed an issue with a few  Knowledge__DataCategorySelection  field data types that are reported as  DATACATEGORYGROUPREFERENCE  but should be represented in Apex as  String  and in ES6/TypeScript as  string . Issue 2472  - Fixed an issue with incorrectly reported  Active  status indicators for picklist field values in OST custom field ApexDoc. It looks like at some point the API stopped returning a non- null  value for  isActive  for active picklist field values, and IC2 was interpreting  null  as meaning inactive. Major metadata subscription management changes/enhancements  - As promised in the release notes for the previous two builds, this build includes significant changes/enhancements around metadata subscription management. Please read the following carefully to understand how and/or whether these changes might affect your projects (hopefully all for the positive): The  Selected