
Showing posts from March, 2022 release notes New Salesforce DX Push/Pull Command Support  - Starting with the 7.144 / 2022-03-31 release of the Salesforce CLI, the  force:source:push  and  source:force:pull  commands (and several supporting commands) have been replaced with their open-sourced counterparts which were previously only available as beta. These new commands use a local source tracking file format that is  not  backward-compatible, so existing projects against source-tracked orgs—either scratch orgs or source-tracked sandboxes—must either reset the source tracking information or use the legacy versions of these commands until source tracking information can be reset (for scratch orgs, this is typically when the org expires and is recreated). Illuminated Cloud 2 now detects push/pull failures due to source tracking file version mismatches and prompts the user with the following options: Switch and Retry  - Configures the project to use the correct command set for the local source tracking files and immediately release notes Issue 2047  - Fixed issues with SOQL query code completion when selecting the  Group  SObject. Issue 2052  - Fixed a number of issues with resolution of references to inner type declarations and their respective body declarations inside of Apex triggers. Also fixed several related issues with code completion, code generation, etc., in the same scenario. Issue 2055  - Fixed an issue with inner type name resolution when the top-level type name is the same as a namespace, e.g.,  Functions. InnerTypeName . Previously IC2 would attempt to resolve this as  InnerTypeName  in the  Functions  namespace, but now it will properly resolve to the inner type if present. Issue 2056  - Added a new  Open in Salesforce Setup  action to show the selected metadata file in the Salesforce setup Web UI. This action is available via the drop-down and context menus as well as via the keyboard using  Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M  (Windows/Linux) or  Cmd+Opt+Shift+M  (Mac). Note that most of the time the classic s release notes Issue 2061  - Salesforce has released  version 7.141.1  of the CLI which rolls back the breaking changes from 7.140.0. This build removes the workaround added in  to use the  force:source:legacy:push  and  force:source:legacy:pull  commands. Please make sure that your Salesforce CLI is completely up-to-date, minimally 7.141.1. Issue 2054  - Added Apex support to  JetBrains' duplicate code detection  code inspection. Note that this feature is only available in JetBrains' commercial IDEs and cannot be used in Community Edition IDEs. You can enable, disable, and configure duplicate code detection in  Settings / Preferences > Editor > Inspections > General > Duplicated code fragment . The only available configuration value for Apex at present is the minimum "weight" of a duplicate code block. This is a bit of an opaque measurement, but the key notion is that lower values result in smaller duplicated ranges being identified and higher values release notes Issue 2061  - The 2022-03-03 Salesforce CLI update to 7.140.0 promoted the previously beta  force:source:push  and  force:source:pull  commands to GA. The JSON output of these new commands is incompatible with that of the previous commands and also seems to include some critical omissions. I've  filed a bug  in the CLI public issue tracker with my findings on the topic. In order to minimize the impact of these changes to IC2 users, though, I'm providing a workaround in IC2 so that the legacy push/pull commands are used if a version of the CLI is installed with the new commands. This workaround should be seamless unless the CLI is updated from a version before 7.140.0 to 7.140.0+ with open projects where a push or pull has already been performed, in which case just closing and reopening these projects will cause IC2 to re-query the CLI for its version number to determine which commands should be used. NOTE:  If you use both IC2 and the CLI to push/pull metadata for a g release notes Issue 2048  - Restored the  Deploy on save > Deploy all modified files  option which was  removed in . When enabled ( enabled  by default as it was previously), in addition to all explicitly-selected files, deploy-on-save actions include all files modified locally since the last deploy-on-save. NOTE:  Enabling this option does  not  turn deploy-on-save into a full bring-org-up-to-date action. Only files modified in the IDE since the last deploy-on-save action are added to the deployment payload beyond the explicitly-selected files. To update the target org with all local changes, the  Deploy Modified Metadata  action should be used to add and update metadata that is newer locally than in the org, and if removals are also required, the  Delete Metadata  action can be used with a custom selection, filtering the dialog contents to show server-only and unsubscribed metadata. ASIDE:  The removal of this option taught me an interesting and valuable lesson. When there are