
Showing posts from October, 2022 release notes Issue 2216  - Fixed an issue where the module contents synchronization listener would only be registered for the first opened project. If you've seen issues with automatic/prompted updates to your metadata subscription not occurring as files are added and removed locally, this should hopefully resolve those issues. Issue 2222  - Added support for composite types for declared controller properties in LWC components, e.g.,  /** @type {'red'|'blue'|'green'} */ . Properties of these types should be handled properly when used as component attributes during value completion, validation, and documentation. Note that this only applies when using IC2 with a commercial JetBrains IDE. Issue 2226  - Fixed an issue where it was possible to select an invalid type of connection for the current project/module when resolving module configuration issues. Note that there is still one corner case in which this happens due to a stale cache. I'm investigating a fix release notes  - Hotfix for Issue 2227  - A (hopefully) very small number of users are seeing an issue with failing to initialize. Unfortunately I did not (and still do not) see this behavior across a large matrix of OS and JetBrains IDE test configurations, but I apologize sincerely to those who have experienced the issue. The issue should be resolved by this hotfix. Hopefully needless to say, please let me know ASAP if you're still seeing it after updating. release notes Issue 2067 (redux)  - Added another specific pattern of  FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION  false deployment failure message when trying to deploy an LWC bundle file via the Tooling API such that IC2 will automatically retry the deployment via the Metadata API. Hopefully this further closes the window of opportunity for these types of false deployment errors, but if they continue to emerge I will likely need to make Tooling API-based LWC deployments that fail with a  FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION   always  retry using the Metadata API to provide a seamless experience. Issue 2219  -  Package.xml -based subscriptions are now handled properly in the new project wizard for metadata format projects. When that metadata subscription type is selected, a relative path of  src/package.xml  is used. The metadata selection tree contents are used to seed that file for the new project and any initial deployment and/or retrieval operations. Issue 2223  - The  String -based signatures of  System.Databas release notes Issue 2193 - Winter '23 / API v56.0 support Updated all SOAP API clients to be based on the API v56.0 WSDLs. Updated the API version used for primary communication with Salesforce APIs to 56.0. Added 56.0 as an available API version number for configured connections. Updated  metadata.xsd  used for validation and code completion in metadata XML files to API v56.0. Updated the OST version number to prompt regeneration for system API changes in API v56.0. Updated Visualforce, Aura, and LWC components, functions, modules, etc., for Winter '23 changes. Note that the  new and changed LWC modules  are not yet well-documented, and IC2's support is not likely to be 100% correct initially. Once proper documentation is available I will update these definitions accordingly. Updated the bundled SLDS CSS and SVG icons to 2.19.0. Updated all integrated API documentation. Added full support for  DataWeave in Apex . An org with the  DataWeaveInApex  feature enabled is required. O release notes Issue 2212  - Added support for  UTAM  during LWC development. This includes: UTAM files—specifically  lwc/ bundleName /__utam__/*.utam.json —are now included in the tabbed editor alongside other LWC bundle files and are included in  Go to related  navigation between LWC bundle files. UTAM files are automatically excluded from all deployment operations. It's now possible to create a UTAM file for a bundle that doesn't already have one via the  New > Lightning Web Component UTAM File  action. The customizable  Lightning Web Component UTAM JSON  file template is used for file creation. The created file is named  __utam__/ bundleName .utam.json . Also note that while implementing this, I found and  reported  an issue where code completions are not working properly in UTAM JSON files based on the JSON schema automatically downloaded by the IDE from the JSON Schema Store. If this is affecting you, please add yourself as a watcher on the linked issue. Another round of (h release notes More improvements to the initial project import/conversion workflow: When a project is being imported/converted against a newly-created scratch org and there are local metadata files, the user is prompted to push before generating the OST to ensure that the initial OST generation reflects a populated org state. Further improved the workaround for  IDEA-302630  such that the module validator will retry until the new module type is properly detected. This should effectively eliminate the possibility of a repeated "needs IC2 module type" notification, though the time before the new module type is detected can vary slightly. It does seem to be measured in single-digit seconds, though, and if necessary this wait can be cancelled. Fixed an issue where the connection list would not be refreshed properly after creating a new scratch org or authorizing a new OAuth org as part of module validator issue resolution. Fixed an issue where some source files under a configured  sfdx-