
Showing posts from March, 2024 release notes WEB-65796  - Improved completion, reference navigation, validation, etc., for the following LWC constructs when using IC2 with a 2023.3+ commercial JetBrains IDE: The  PageReference  parameter of  this[NavigationMixin.GenerateUrl/Navigate](...) . All  PageReference  properties should now be offered as completions and resolve properly, but constrained/enumerated values of those properties are not yet offered correctly in completions. This is due to a reported and confirmed issue in the base JetBrains IDE itself that should hopefully be fixed in a near-term release. The  config  parameter of the  @wire  decorator should now properly reflect the expected parameters of the wired function or  @AuraEnabled  Apex method. Issue 2526  - Fixed a performance issue that could occur in the SOQL Query results table when large text/blob fields are included in the result set. Issue 2532  - Fixed an issue that could occur when deleting foldered metadata where the parent folder(s) would also b release notes Issue 2467 (partial)  - Implemented minor improvements for GraphQL queries in LWC components. When using a commercial JetBrains IDE with the  free JetBrains GraphQL  plugin installed, unresolvable references in queries are now suppressed. This allows the GraphQL plugin to provide syntax highlighting, code formatting, grammar-based validation, etc., even if it doesn't yet provide code completion, reference navigation, schema-based validation, etc. I am researching whether/how I might be able to bundle or even generate a GraphQL schema for the project to enable those missing features, but there are several open questions and challenges. In the interim, installing the GraphQL plugin should provide an improved GraphQL editor experience for those using IC2 with a commercial JetBrains IDE. Issue 2479  - Implemented a few optimizations for custom LWC component discovery and caching. These optimizations will be most evident in projects with large numbers of custom LWC components, release notes Issue 2482  - Fixed an issue where the local namespace,  c , would not be used for imports from other components in the same non-null namespace. Issue 2504  - Implemented significant improvements to the  Slack  namespace types, though they're still far from perfect. This namespace includes a large quantity of inner classes of the same name, e.g.,  Builder  which is an inner class of more than 100 of the  Slack  namespace types. The Salesforce Tooling REST API's  completions?type=apex  resource returns a single  Slack.Builder  class that bears the union interface of all of these inner  Builder  classes. That class is being moved/copied into place as necessary which should help with reference resolution, but code completions on those types may be quite muddy as they can include methods and signatures that aren't applicable to the current specific instance of the inner type. I have reported this to Salesforce, though given how the  completions  resource works, I don&