release notes

  • Issue 2649 - After exporting SOQL query results to a CSV file, the resulting file is only opened in the IDE if it's under the maximum file size limit for IDE features (idea.max.intellisense.filesize). Otherwise the file is shown in the host operating system's file manager.
  • A few additional Winter '25 updates:
    • Updated the bundled SOAP API clients to API v62.0.
    • Updated the bundled metadata.xsd used for validation and completion in XML metadata files to API v62.0.
  • When starting the local development server with no Lightning Experience application or Experience Bundle site, the user was being presented with a command-line-based application selector. Now IC presents a first-class application selector, retaining and defaulting the previously-selected value across invocations. As a result, there is no longer a notion of an "All apps" run configuration. Instead such run configurations are now called "Selected LWC app".
  • Implemented a better fix for overlapping run configurations than what was provided in the previous hotfix build.
  • Fixed an issue where files ignored using .forceignore could still be reported as not being under a configured source root directory.
I've also made solid progress on TypeScript support for LWC components, but it's still not quite ready for end users. I've already implemented the following features:
  • The LWC component creation dialog now lets you specify that the component's logic files should be in TypeScript instead of ES6. This preference is retained across invocations. Creation of other logic files (including tests) for a TypeScript-based component are also assumed to be in TypeScript.
  • The LWC tabbed editor UI now properly takes into consideration TypeScript-based components.
  • TypeScript source files are automatically transpiled into the corresponding JavaScript on all deployment requests. Errors reported by the transpiler cause the deployment to fail fast and are integrated into the IDE. TypeScript source files are also automatically transpiled into JavaScript without deployment when the local development server is running and IC is configured not to deploy LWC source files so that the respective changes are available to the local development server.
  • Source maps are emitted into the transpiled JavaScript source files and are used to attribute deployment errors accurately to the corresponding TypeScript source files.
  • IC automatically helps configure the project for TypeScript development, updating .gitignore and .forceignore files as appropriate, installing the TypeScript compiler if missing, maintaining a tsconfig.json file for transpiling TypeScript into JavaScript, etc.

The main remaining work is automatically creating and maintaining the externalized TypeScript type definitions required for the TypeScript compiler to work properly, primarily for Salesforce-specific import modules but also for the LWC APIs themselves. Hopefully I'll be able to include a pretty solid version of this feature in the next build, but certainly one of the very near-term builds should include it.