release notes

  • Issue 2564 - When files ignored by .forceignore are included in a retrieval request, they are now moved into an ignored sub-directory of the temporary retrieval directory, and the user is notified with an option to view the retrieved ignored files. The two primary reasons for this are:
    1. The subscription includes metadata types subscribed via wildcard for which specific metadata objects have been ignored.
    2. The subscription includes parent metadata objects for which specific child metadata objects have been ignored.
  • Issue 2598 - Fixed an issue with the Apex extract constant refactoring where the new constant could be generated in the middle of an existing multi-line field declaration, e.g., between the field's annotations and its modifiers.
  • Issue 2616 - Fixed an issue that materialized with the recent JetBrains 2024.2.0.1 hotfix update where IC2 would incorrectly notify the user that an up-to-date IDE is lower than the recommended version (currently 2024.2).
  • IDEA-357540 - Fixed an issue where the Show Only Files with Uncommitted Changes filter was missing from the Apex code coverage view in 2024.2 JetBrains IDEs. Note that as a side-effect of the change required to fix this issue, code coverage is now loaded in the background rather than under a modal progress indicator.
  • Added formatting to many message dialogs so that symbolic information, portions that require emphasis, etc., are presented in a more standard and legible manner. Note that a few more complex dialogs were not updated as attempting to format their content pushed the limits of how information can be conveyed in standard dialogs.
  • Improved transitive dependency/dependents calculation with a few fixes and minor optimizations. Perhaps more importantly, though, I instrumented this logic with extensive diagnostic logging so that any issues with it can be logged easily. Diagnostic logging details are available in the Debug Logging section of the FAQ under Dependencies/Dependents Calculation. If you're seeing incorrect/unexpected entries in the calculated dependencies/dependents, are finding that process is taking longer than expected or even never completing, etc., please enable debug logging for that category of classes, reproduce the behavior, and provide the resulting log(s) for review.
  • Other related fixes and improvements.