release notes

  • Issue 2467 (partial) - Implemented minor improvements for GraphQL queries in LWC components. When using a commercial JetBrains IDE with the free JetBrains GraphQL plugin installed, unresolvable references in queries are now suppressed. This allows the GraphQL plugin to provide syntax highlighting, code formatting, grammar-based validation, etc., even if it doesn't yet provide code completion, reference navigation, schema-based validation, etc. I am researching whether/how I might be able to bundle or even generate a GraphQL schema for the project to enable those missing features, but there are several open questions and challenges. In the interim, installing the GraphQL plugin should provide an improved GraphQL editor experience for those using IC2 with a commercial JetBrains IDE.
  • Issue 2479 - Implemented a few optimizations for custom LWC component discovery and caching. These optimizations will be most evident in projects with large numbers of custom LWC components, but the benefits may also be noticeable even in smaller projects.
  • Issue 2513 - Fixed an NPE that could occur in a strange situation where a nested dashboard or report folder is listed with a parent folder ID that isn't resolvable. I'm not yet sure if the root cause of this issue is a bug in IC2, a bug in Salesforce, something related to folder permissions, or something else, but this addresses the hard failure that was occurring for a very small number of users when enumerating org metadata.
  • Issue 2516 - Fixed a layout issue in the new OAuth connection dialog on Linux where the custom login URL field would not be visible.
  • Issue 2520 - Updated the JSON schema for sfdx-project.json files to include Spring '24 changes that were missed in the previous updates.
  • Issue 2521 - Added filtering of reference targets for LWC braced bind expressions — particularly for targets with common names — such that only the correct target for that component is included when navigating, showing quick information, etc. Note, however, that find usages from that target may still include incorrect references. I have an open question with JetBrains about whether/how usages can be filtered and will address the ambiguity from that direction if/when a solution is offered.
  • Issue 2524 - The latest-and-greatest API version is now used when creating SFDX projects via the CLI. This works around an issue where the CLI's bundled new project templates can often lag new API versions by weeks or even months.
  • Fixed an issue where standard HTML tags would not be offered as completions when nested within standard or custom LWC components.