release notes

  • Issue 2394 - Added support for a new metadata subscription type, Local files, that can be used in any IC2 project to infer a metadata subscription from the project's local metadata files, filtering by .forceignore if present. This effectively removes the requirement for an explicit metadata subscription—either as a configured selection (metadata format projects only) or a package.xml file—for projects configured against non-source-tracked organizations. Note that while any files added to the configured source roots of an IC2 project with this subscription type are automatically considered part of the metadata subscription (again, unless filtered by .forceignore), org metadata must still be added to the project using the Retrieve Metadata action, typically configured with Contents set to Custom and Subscribed Only disabled. Note that projects configured against source-tracked orgs are automatically updated to use this metadata subscription type, and the subscription editor now shows the subscribed local files for modules/projects with this subscription type, albeit as read-only. I'm probably going to enhance the subscription editor to allow org-only metadata to be retrieved from immediately within that dialog which should provide a much simpler and more efficient method of adding org metadata to the local project.
  • Issue 2444 - Added code intentions to format the following delimited lists on separate lines or on a single line in the same manner as the existing code intentions for Apex method formal parameters and invocation arguments:
    • Apex logical and arithmetic expressions
    • Apex array/list/set/map initializer entries
    • SOQL SELECT clause items
    • SOQL GROUP BY clause fields
    • SOQL ORDER BY clause fields
    • SOQL WHERE clause logical expressions
    • SOQL WHERE clause parenthesized set values
    To use these code intentions, type Alt/Opt+Enter while on the respective code construct and select either Put ... on separate lines or Put ... on one line as appropriate. Note that these do not currently operate recursively.
  • Issue 2448 - Fixed an issue where the structure view would include the top-level declaration twice when displayed in a tool window (vs. as a popup).
  • Issue 2450 (redux) - Fixed all known issues with the LWC JavaScript live templates that were introduced in the previous build. This includes fixes to a few LWC modules that were incorrect or, in at least one case, missing. With the corrected LWC modules in place, I added auto-completion at live template stops where the IDE can assist with candidate values.
  • Issue 2453 - Fixed an issue that could occur if/when the file-based org metadata cache cannot be loaded successfully due to malformed contents. In that situation, rather than an error, a cache read-through now occurs, repopulating the cache with valid contents.
  • Updated the bundled inspection profile to include JSUnresolvedReference which finds and assists with missing ES6 imports. This makes for a much more strongly-typed experience when using the LWC JavaScript live templates as unresolvable symbols referenced in the resulting JavaScript code are automatically imported. If you have cloned the bundled inspection profile (which is of course a best practice), please reconcile your cloned version against the latest bundled version to ensure that it's up-to-date.
  • Other related minor fixes and improvements.