release notes

  • Issue 2423 - Fixed an issue that could lead to incorrect/inaccessible constructor/method signatures being added as references.
  • Updated the Deprecated API usage code inspection to report usages of declarations marked as deprecated using the @deprecated ApexDoc tag as well as the @Deprecated Apex annotation. The inspection can be configured for which of these two mechanisms should be reported, with both enabled by default.
  • Updated the Modifier Agreement code inspection to detect and invalid combination of the virtual modifier and @Deprecated annotation.
  • Ensured that the appropriate SF_* environment variables are set alongside the corresponding SFDX_* environment variables when executing the Salesforce CLI.

This build is light on changes because the bulk of my time has been spent integrating Einstein GPT into IC2. At this point I've implemented a pretty much full-featured integration, but as stated in the linked issue, the folks at Salesforce who are responsible for this issue have asked if I could hold off on releasing it until they've had a bit of additional burn-in time with components under their immediate control during and immediately after Dreamforce 2023. As soon as they give the green light, though, I will release what I have so that IC2 users can begin playing with this new feature. Note that even when released, this integration will likely be quite fragile for some time as the underlying API and backing services are still very much in an early beta state and therefore subject to change. I will, of course, update IC2's integration as needed to remain compatible with these changes, but until things settle, it's very likely that there will be brief periods of breakage in the Einstein GPT integration. Keep an eye on the issue linked above for status updates.

Also, if you haven't already done so, please uninstall the v1 Salesforce CLI and install the latest v2 Salesforce CLI as indicated in the previous release notes.