release notes

  • Issue 2314 - Spring '23 / API v57.0 updates
    • Updated all SOAP API clients to be based on the API v57.0 WSDLs.
    • Updated the API version used for primary communication with Salesforce APIs to 57.0.
    • Added 57.0 as an available API version number for configured connections.
    • Updated metadata.xsd used for validation and code completion in metadata XML files to API v57.0.
    • Updated the OST version number to prompt regeneration for system API changes in API v57.0.
    • Updated Visualforce, Aura, and LWC components, functions, modules, etc., for Spring '23 changes.
    • Updated the bundled SLDS CSS and SVG icons to 2.20.1.
    • Updated all integrated API documentation.
    • Added full support for Database.*WithBinds() signatures including code completion and reference resolution against keys in the provided bind map.
    • Verified setup of the UTAM Generator in commercial JetBrains IDEs as follows:
      • Add a utam dependency in package.json (using the desired dependency version, of course):
        "devDependencies": {
          "utam": "^1.6.0"
        and run npm install to install the dependency. This can be run from within the IDE by right-clicking the package.json file and clicking Run 'npm install', or it can of course be run directly from the command-line.
      • Add a utam-generator.config.json file in the project root as follows:
          "inputRootDir" : "./",
          "ignore": ["**/node_modules/**"],
          "inputFileMask" : ["**/lwc/**/*.html"],
          "outputDir" : "__utam__",
          "outputFileExtension" : ".utam.json",
          "overrideExisting" : true,
          "relativeOutputDir" : true,
          "rulesFileMask": "**/*.rules.json"
      • Add a generate:utam entry to scripts in package.json:
        "scripts": {
          "generate:utam": "utam-generate -c utam-generator.config.json"
      • Add **/__utam__/** to .forceignore.
      • As needed, run the generate:utam script to generate/update UTAM page object files for all LWC components in the project. You can run it directly from the package.json file by clicking the gutter Run action.

      Note that while the steps above apply specifically to those using Illuminated Cloud with a commercial JetBrains IDE, the last step could be integrated into JetBrains Community Edition IDEs via the External Tools feature using a command-line execution of npm run generate:utam and enabling the option to refresh the IDE upon completion.

      I am considering a tighter integration that would assist with the configuration described above and with prompted/automatic generation of UTAM page object files as the associated HTML files are modified in the IDE, but I'd like to know a bit more about how/whether people are using the feature before spending too much time on such and integration. If that's something you'd find useful, please let me know.
  • Issue 2316 - Constructor completions are now added to code completion lists using the same relative prioritization as their associated types, e.g., constructors for types from implicit namespaces are prioritized higher.
  • Issue 2317 - Fixed an issue where superfluous (and potentially invalid) code completions could be offered when both class vs. instance scope are valid for the ambiguous previous identifier.
  • Issue 2319 - Provided a workaround for an issue with DataWeave scripts in metadata format projects due to an underlying Metadata API bug where the information returned for the DataWeaveResource type does not properly specify the dw suffix for DataWeave script files.
  • Issue 2320 - Small enhancements for simple JavaScript and CSS code completions in JetBrains Community Edition IDEs:
    • Added application-level configuration options to enable/disable IC2's simple JavaScript and/or CSS code completion offerings. These are found under (again, Community Edition IDEs only):
      • Settings / Preferences > Editor > General > Code Completion > JavaScript and CSS (Illuminated Cloud)
      Note that when disabled, the JetBrains IDE's own simple keyword and simple text match code completions are still offered in these file types, and ES6 live templates are still active in LWC JavaScript files.
    • Fixed an issue where simple code completions would be offered incorrectly from within JavaScript and CSS string literals.
  • Fixed an issue with formal parameter type inference for System.runAs().