release notes

  • Issue 2120 - Added a new Validation and Deployment configuration option to specify whether or not the user should be prompted to propagate local metadata file deletes to the connected organization. This option is enabled by default for compatibility with the previous default behavior.
  • Issue 2140 - Undeprecated @salesforce/apex/refreshApex as it's only deprecated for a specific usage and will otherwise be used quite broadly.
  • Issue 2141 - Fixed an issue with dirty detection of child metadata files in decomposed metadata types, e.g., custom fields in a decomposed custom object. In the process of fixing this, I also fixed an issue with how the dirty detection state information is updated when metadata is removed from the org via Illuminated Cloud.
  • Issue 2149 - The code inspection which checks for proper Jest library dependencies is now only active for Jest test source files in Illuminated Cloud modules.
  • Issue 2154 - Fixed an issue with automatic processing of package.xml files stored in non-UNIX format (i.e., LF line separators) where auto-updates could fail. Also ensured that the original line separators are retained when package.xml files are auto-updated by IC2.
  • Issue 2155 - Added full support for the InvocableMethod annotation's IconName parameter.
  • Fixed an issue with the code inspection that detects overloaded @AuraEnabled methods such that only the members of the same parent Apex class are considered and not those from base classes.
  • Improved resolution of references to class methods and fields that are present with the same name at multiple levels of the class hierarchy. Previously references would be added for all matches; now a reference is added for only the "closest" match based on the type through which the reference is established.