release notes

  • Issue 2127 - The file chooser dialogs on the Mac don't enforce the specified file extension like they do on Windows and Linux. As a result, saving a tab in the Anonymous Apex or SOQL Query tool windows could result in files without the corresponding .apex or .soql file extensions. Now if a file name is entered into the save dialog without the correct extension, the file is renamed to have that extension automatically. If you try to load a file into one of these tool windows without its associated extension, the load will fail until the file is renamed to have the expected extension.
  • Issue 2131 - The fix for issue 2089 changed the timing for how delete and move events are processed and had the unfortunate side-effect of introducing a bug in in-place static resource bundle conversion. Now we filter for that type of event synchronously.
  • Updated the Annotation and modifier agreement code inspection to check for non-static @AuraEnabled methods with a formal parameter list and to offer a quick fix to add the static modifier when found.
  • Improved the type information for FieldRepresentation.dataType/extraTypeInfo in the LWC lightning/uiRecordApi module.
  • Fixed a bug with paired curly brace typing in LWC markup where the closing brace would be added twice.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.