release notes

  • Issue 630 - Added support for Apex code style configuration for comments. Under the Comments tab of Settings / Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Apex, you can now configure the placement and whitespace handling of line and block comments added using the Comment with Line / Block Comment actions.
  • Issue 1271 - Evidently there's a small window of opportunity after unit test execution during which ApexTestResult.ApexLogId can contain a log ID that doesn't yet correspond to a row in ApexLog. I added a limited number of short interval retries when querying unit test logs to narrow (ideally close) this window of opportunity such that logs are properly resolved for executed unit tests when this occurs.
  • Issue 2089 - Fixed an issue that would occur when using the IDE's move refactoring to overwrite an existing project source file.
  • Issue 2093 - Fixed an issue with removal of server-only metadata using the Delete Metadata action.
  • Issue 2105 - Prospective fix for an issue where the SOQL Query tool window would appear with no contents if opened during IDE indexing.
  • Issue 2114 - Fixed an issue with missing metadata relationship fields in the OST for custom metadata types when the CMDT metadata is not present locally in the project. Unfortunately the Salesforce APIs don't include the relationship target types for CMDT metadata relationship fields, so in this situation IC2 would traditionally look for reciprocal relationships to determine the correct metadata relationship target types (though there was a bug with that logic that's fixed here as well), but if none was found the __r relationship field would not be rendered into the OST. Now they are rendered into the OST as polymorphic relationship fields against EntityDefinitionFieldDefinition, and EntityParticle. This ensures that code completions and references work, though code completions will be offered for the other two target types even though they're not valid.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.