release notes

  • JetBrains 2022.1 Release - Updated IC2 for compatibility with the JetBrains 2022.1 IDE release. Overall things look quite good under 2022.1, though I encourage all users to review the release notes for the respective base JetBrains IDE as there are some changes which might come as a surprise, e.g., the Event Log tool window is now called Notifications and both appears and behaves slightly differently.

    I encourage all users to perform a fresh install of 2022.1 as a peer to the existing install (presumably 2021.3.3) without uninstalling the original IDE version as opposed to an in-place upgrade of the existing install. That way if you do find issues with 2022.1, you can report them in the public issue tracker and immediately move back to the original IDE version until they can be addressed by JetBrains and/or me as appropriate.

  • Issue 2075 - Fixed an issue with the hierarchical display of some nested variable values in the Apex offline debugger. In the process of addressing this issue, I also implemented several performance optimizations in the same area that will be most evident when using the offline debugger against larger log files with large numbers of stack variables.
  • Implemented a significant performance optimization for local file population during metadata retrieval and refresh actions.