
Showing posts from September, 2024 release notes To start, I've spent the past few days at  Dreamforce '24  which was absolutely brimming with significant new features and enhancements for Salesforce developers. For the curious, I've  captured my thoughts  on when and how the most significant of those features will be integrated into IC2. If things go as-planned — and as described in the linked post, some of these features do include non-trivial challenges — the next few IC2 releases should include some fun and compelling new content. Issue 2630  - Added support for drag-and-drop reordering of Anonymous Apex and SOQL Query tool window tabs. Note that only the tab ordering information is retained. If you use drag-and-drop to split these tool windows, that information will not be persisted across sessions. Issue 2636  - Apex identifier name suggestions will no longer offer reserved words that could result in syntax errors. Instead abbreviations or prefixed names are offered as appropriate for the respective reserved

Dreamforce '24 / Winter '25 New Feature Integration Status

Unsuprisingly, I've had a number of people already reach out this week asking whether and when some of the big new dev features being announced at Dreamforce '24   —  and as part of the upcoming Winter '25 platform update  —  will be supported by Illuminated Cloud 2. The respective answers are " absolutely " and " ASAP ". In fact, knowing that Winter '25 includes more significant new features and enhancements than in the typical seasonal platform release, I'd started on the corresponding  IC2 updates  even before heading toward Dreamforce '24 this week. I think the following specific features and enhancements are driving the most interest, so I'll share the status for each in turn: Agentforce for Developers The new feature likely getting the most attention here at Dreamforce '24 is Agentforce for Developers , a significant evolution of the feature previously known as Einstein for Developers . IC2 has provided a first-class integra release notes This release is a bit smaller in scope as I've been mostly making steady progress on  Winter '25  enhancements, but there are a few things worth releasing immediately: Issue 2628  - Fixed an issue with Tooling API SObjects missing many relationship entity fields. Note that the OST must be regenerated — minimally the SObjects — to see the effects of this change. Issue 2631  - Fixed an issue with Flow diagrams where a condition that uses a unary operator, e.g.,  IsNull  or  WasSet , would show incorrect/misleading expression text when that condition also has a right-hand side value of  false . Now the operator is properly displayed in a negated form, e.g.,  Is Not Null  or  Was Not Set  respectively. Issue 2633  - Added support for Windows on ARM64. Fixed an issue with Apex identifier name code completion in a ternary expression used in a declaration initializer. Implemented several performance optimizations. These optimizations are likely mostly incremental in nature, th release notes Issue 1009  - Enhanced the Apex  Illegal Assignment  code inspection to detect implicit conversions of  Date  expressions to  Datetime  expressions. These implicit conversions use GMT for the time zone, likely resulting in unexpected or incorrect  Datetime  values. Such expressions are flagged as warnings with a quick fix to adapt the  Date  expressions into more explicit  Datetime  expressions. In general,  Date  expressions are adapted as follows: Datetime.newInstance( dateExpression , Time.newInstance(0, 0, 0, 0)) However,  and  and are converted to  and  respectively. This check is enabled by default but can be disabled if desired as a configuration setting of the  Illegal Assignment  inspection. Issue 2626  - Fixed an issue with enumeration of  EmailTemplate  folder metadata which has two distinct folder metadata types,  EmailTemplateFolder  and  EmailFolder . Only the latter was being enumerated by IC2 previously, so