release notes

  • Issue 2637 - Added full support for Agentforce for Developers in Illuminated Cloud for Apex and LWC. A pretty comprehensive demonstration video is available. In general, it works exactly as described in the linked document including:
    • Multi-turn chat with Dev Assistant - Dev Assistant has been integrated as a new IDE tool window, by default docked to the top-left portion of the IDE window. It can also be accessed via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+W (all OSes including Mac) or Cmd+Opt+Shift+W (Mac only).
      Dev Assistant supports natural language requests as well as the following "slash commands":
      • /explain - Explains the code in the active editor if the Use the selected editor option is enabled, or the code from the most recent Dev Assistant response if disabled.
      • /document - Creates documentation for the code in the active editor if the Use the selected editor option is enabled, or the code from the most recent Dev Assistant response if disabled.
      • /test methodName - Generates an Apex test method for the named non-test method in the active editor.
      • /undo - Removes the most recent exchange from the current dialog and re-executes the dialog up to that point. If the initial exchange is removed, the dialog is cleared.
      • /retry - Removes the most recent exchange from the current dialog and re-executes it. This is useful if the options and/or context have changed.
      • /clear - Clears the entire dialog.
      The following actions are available for any Dev Assistant response that includes code:
      • Copy - Copies the response's code to the system clipboard.
      • Insert - Inserts the response's code into the selected editor at the active caret.
      The tool window includes the following options for helping provide context for Agentforce for Developers requests:
      • Use the selected editor - When enabled, the contents of the selected editor are submitted with requests including the location of the active caret. Schema definitions for custom SObject types and fields referenced directly by the selected editor are also included.
      • Include referenced custom schema - When enabled, the user-entered request text is scanned for custom SObject API names and labels, and schema definitions are included with requests for all found custom SObjects and fields. This ensures that proper schema context is included for requests such as "Generate a SOQL query for all shopping lists and their shopping list items" or "Generate a SOQL query for Expense__c objects for the current user".
    • Inline code completion (2024.1+ only) - Illuminated Cloud supports Agentforce for Developers-based inline code completion, via both auto-completion (shortly after typing completes) and explicit invocation using Alt+Shift+∖ (Windows/Linux) or Opt+Shift+∖ (Mac). This feature can be configured in Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion | Agentforce for Developers with the following options:
      • Agentforce for Developers inline completion - Enables or disables the feature; enabled by default
      • Enable auto-completion on typing - Enables or disables auto-completion a short time after the user completes typing; disabled by default; when disabled, use the explicit invocation keystroke described above for inline completions
      • Auto-completion delay (ms) - The amount of time in milliseconds after the user completes typing that Agentforce for Developers should be queried for potential inline completions; 1000 ms by default; the allowed value range is 500-5000 ms
      Once inline completions are shown in the editor, you can use the following keyboard actions:
      • Esc - Rejects the inline completion.
      • Tab - Accepts the inline completion.
      • Ctrl+Right / Opt+Right - Accepts the next inline completion word.
      • End / Cmd+Right - Accepts the next inline completion line.
      • Ctrl+] / Cmd+] - Shows the next inline completion if multiple were offered.
      • Ctrl+[ / Cmd+[ - Shows the previous inline completion if multiple were offered.
    • Apex unit test generation - Enhanced the existing Apex unit test generation feature to include unit test logic generation by Agentforce for Developers. It is now possible to choose an existing Apex unit test class as the target for unit test method code generation. Additionally the Create Apex Unit Test dialog now includes the following new options:
      • Generate implementations using Agentforce for Developers - When enabled, Agentforce for Developers is used to generate a full unit test method for each selected non-test method for which unit tests should be generated. This option is disabled by default.
      • Perform deep search for existing tests - Illuminated Cloud automatically finds other existing unit tests in the selected target unit test class for each non-test method for which a new unit test should be generated and includes the bodies of those existing tests as context for new test generation. When this option is enabled, Illuminated Cloud performs a transitive search for existing unit test methods; when disabled, only immediate references are used. I've seen quite different results in generated unit test methods with this option enabled vs. disabled, so I recommend you see which one works best for you (and the answer may vary by usage). This option is disabled by default.
      Generated unit test methods which are not valid Apex — in terms of grammar compliance, not semantics — are inserted into the target unit test class commented out and with a clear warning header.
    Note that I have seen widely varying levels of quality in the code generated by all of these features. This is generally true of all such AI/LLM-based code-generation systems, though, and is not at all unique to Agentforce for Developers. It's not unusual for incomplete or invalid code to be generated. Often retrying the exact same request can yield a better response.
  • Issue 2641 - Fixed a recent regression where @TestVisible/private declarations weren't being included as variant completions.
  • Fixed an issue where, when Deploy on save and Deploy all modified files are both enabled, custom labels metadata files would not being properly cleared as modified after a successful deployment.
  • Other related fixes and improvements.