
Showing posts from May, 2023 release notes Issue 2349  - Added support for explicit constructor invocations in Apex (i.e.,  this(...)  and  super(...) )  not  as the exact first statement in the constructor body. Apex allows explicit constructor invocation statements to be the first  leaf  statement in each logic path in the constructor, and IC2 now allows for the same. I enhanced the Apex  Control Flow Analysis  inspection to verify the use of explicit constructor statements given this more flexible interpretation of the rule, and also enhanced that inspection to verify required constructor chaining and to flag invalid recursive explicit constructor invocation statements. Issue 2352  - Integrated the fix for IcApexDoc  issue 11  into IC2. This addresses a Markdown-to-HTML conversion failure that would occur if any portion of the Markdown text looked like a regular expression group reference ( $<something> ). Added support for Markdown validation in ApexDoc comments. Added support for execution of IcApexDoc with release notes Another round of ApexDoc improvements: Added support for the new  Groups  and  Index  tab features in  IcApexDoc : Added a group content directory selector to the IcApexDoc executor dialog. Added support for the new Velocity custom page templates in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition. Added the following new ApexDoc validation code inspection options: Check for use of  @group  tags on non-type or trigger declarations.  Enabled  by default. Check for  @group-content  tags which may not be used by the ApexDoc processor, e.g., IcApexDoc does not use them.  Disabled  by default. Added code completion for ApexDoc  @group  names based on other group names found in the same project. Added reference navigation for ApexDoc  @group  names when corresponding HTML or Markdown group content files are found. This is likely the last of the (anticipated) ApexDoc-related enhancements for a while, as the  Groups  and  Index  features—along with the recent Markdown and validation enhancem release notes  - reissue of  with fix for mismatched lightweight file type name for the JavaScript "improved syntax highlighting" file type for Community Edition IDEs. This is effectively a hotfix for  with the following fixes and small improvements: Fixed an issue where the  Tab / Shift+Tab  handling for ApexDoc Markdown list items would actually cause those keystrokes to be ignored elsewhere. Added ApexDoc Markdown fenced code block syntax highlighting in the editor and quick doc preview for file types which are not provided in a first-class manner in the host JetBrains IDE, e.g., JavaScript and CSS in Community Edition IDEs, as long as there is a corresponding abstract/lightweight file type for that language registered with the IDE. In support of the change above, I restored the old lightweight "improved syntax highlighting" file types for JavaScript and CSS to be used specifically for that purpose, though for those using a Community Edition IDE who release notes This is effectively a hotfix for  with the following fixes and small improvements: Fixed an issue where the  Tab / Shift+Tab  handling for ApexDoc Markdown list items would actually cause those keystrokes to be ignored elsewhere. Added ApexDoc Markdown fenced code block syntax highlighting in the editor and quick doc preview for file types which are not provided in a first-class manner in the host JetBrains IDE, e.g., JavaScript and CSS in Community Edition IDEs, as long as there is a corresponding abstract/lightweight file type for that language registered with the IDE. In support of the change above, I restored the old lightweight "improved syntax highlighting" file types for JavaScript and CSS to be used specifically for that purpose, though for those using a Community Edition IDE who prefer the syntax highlighting afforded by those file types over that provided by the respective TextMate bundles, they can be used instead. release notes Added support for Markdown text formatting in ApexDoc comments to match the same enhancement to  IcApexDoc . See the documentation for a description of  supported Markdown syntax . A  demonstration video  is also available. IC2's ApexDoc editor has been enhanced with the following Markdown-specific features: Syntax highlighting of Markdown syntax in ApexDoc comments. Code completion and references for Markdown hyperlinks to Apex declarations. Automatic continuation of block quotes, (un)ordered list items, etc. Assistance with list item indent/outdent when  Tab  and  Shift+Tab  are used respectively. Assistance with backspace when typed in an empty Markdown list item to (try to) adjust the line to the desired state based on its contents. Added support for formatting of Markdown tables and (un)ordered lists in ApexDoc comment description text. The following new Apex formatter options are available in the  ApexDoc  tab  Markdown  section: Format Markdown tables  -