release notes

  • Issue 2372 - Custom API version selections are now properly persisted for OAuth connections.
  • Issue 2379 - The Log Analyzer header filter now supports filtering by LogUser.Username and LogUser.Name.
  • Issue 2389 - Changed LWC RefreshEvent to be a class with a no-arg constructor.
  • Issue 2390 - Fixed an issue that could occur when trying to resolve Aura API/library "imports" via Component.find() in non-Aura JavaScript source files.
  • Issue 2391 - Code coverage warnings reported by deployments that execute Apex unit tests are now properly integrated into the deployment results.
  • Issue 2393 - Added a new Code Coverage configuration option that allows the user to designate whether folder/file-level coverage information in the Project view is displayed as X of Y lines covered (N.M%) (default) or N.M%.
  • Issue 2395 - Fixed an issue with trigger resolution in the offline debugger when a trigger has the same name as a class or SObject type.
  • Issue 2396 - Fix for slow module subscription editor in projects with large numbers of foldered metadata items.
  • Improved the names of standard Apex method formal parameters reported as generic paramX/Y/Z by the Tooling API's completions?type=apex REST resource based on a series of heuristics, e.g., using the parameters' data types, setter method names, etc. Note that not all parameters with generic names are changed as it wouldn't be terribly useful to rename, for example, Integer param1 to Integer i. The OST must be regenerated to see the effect of this change.
  • Minor improvements to the rendering of inherited/overridden/implemented members in the Apex structure view.
  • Added the executed process' working directory to CLI command execution logging.

The new Salesforce CLI is now GA and has been verified to work properly with IC2, at least based on relatively high-level smoke testing of all CLI commands executed directly by IC2. If you have updated to the new CLI and are seeing any new issues as a result, please enable debug logging for Salesforce CLI, reproduce the errant behavior, and log a support case with the corresponding details.