release notes

  • Another round of ApexDoc improvements:
    • Added support for the new Groups and Index tab features in IcApexDoc
      • Added a group content directory selector to the IcApexDoc executor dialog.
      • Added support for the new Velocity custom page templates in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition.
    • Added the following new ApexDoc validation code inspection options:
      • Check for use of @group tags on non-type or trigger declarations. Enabled by default.
      • Check for @group-content tags which may not be used by the ApexDoc processor, e.g., IcApexDoc does not use them. Disabled by default.
    • Added code completion for ApexDoc @group names based on other group names found in the same project.
    • Added reference navigation for ApexDoc @group names when corresponding HTML or Markdown group content files are found.

    This is likely the last of the (anticipated) ApexDoc-related enhancements for a while, as the Groups and Index features—along with the recent Markdown and validation enhancements—effectively make IcApexDoc and the corresponding support in IC2 whole, at least in terms of my original vision for that project. I will now begin preparing IcApexDoc for a full open source offering where I plan to continue as the primary maintainer and moderator but certainly welcome outside contribution.

    I have a laundry list of metadata management-related enhancements and fixes that I plan to tackle next in IC2, so expect to see progress on that front over the next several builds.

  • Issue 2344 - Apex unit test assertion failures are now formatted for easier expected vs. actual value comparison, e.g.:
    10:29:32.7 (9618935)|FATAL_ERROR|System.AssertException: Assertion Failed:
    Expected: It was a dark and stormy night...
    Actual:   It was a dark & stormy night...
  • Salesforce CLI deprecation messages written to stderr are no longer displayed in a balloon notification. They are still written to idea.log so as not to be lost, but this should improve the signal-to-noise ratio when the Show messages from the Salesforce CLI error stream option is enabled.