release notes

  • ApexDoc Enhancements
    • Integrated IcApexDoc for generation of project- or module-wide API documentation. IcApexDoc must be available on the local system, ideally with the main script available through the system execution path. You can then generate documentation using the new Generate ApexDoc... action from the toolbar, drop-down menu, or context menu. The following settings can be configured for the tool and are retained across invocations:
      • Executable (required) - the path to the apexdoc executable; automatically populated if available via the system execution path; provides a download link if not already available locally.
      • Scope - the scope for which documentation should be generated, either Project or Module; note that this option is only displayed for multi-module projects where all modules are metadata format; otherwise Module scope is used.
      • Output directory (required) - the path to the directory in which documentation files should be generated.
      • Exclude files - one or more paths to directories or files which should be excluded from documentation generation.
      • Title - the title text to be used for all generated documentation files; if not specified, it is inferred from the current module or project if possible.
      • Minimum visibility - the minimum visibility of declarations for which documentation should be generated.
      • Overview file - the path to an HTML file to be used for a high-level overview of the generated documentation.
      • CSS file - the path to a CSS file to be used to style the generated documentation.
      • Open generated documentation in browser - if checked, the generated documentation is automatically opened in the system browser upon successful completion.
      Note that the input directories are automatically inferred from the project or module configuration. For source format projects, they are derived from the configured package directories in sfdx-project.json; for metadata format projects, they are derived from the IDE's configured source root directories.
    • Integrated a number of small ApexDoc parsing and HTML generation fixes and improvements from IcApexDoc.
  • Issue 2329 - Fixed the declaration signature for notifyRecordUpdateAvailable().