release notes

  • Issue 2251 - I finally figured out how to open selected metadata in the Lightning setup UI instead of (or rather, in addition to) the Classic setup UI. The Open in Salesforce Setup action has been split into Open in Salesforce Lightning Setup and Open in Salesforce Classic Setup actions with the keyboard shortcut associated with the former by default, though that can be changed in the active keymap if desired.

    Note that there are many more one-off URL exceptions in the Lightning setup UI, so if you see a local metadata file that opens incorrectly or fails to open at all but should, please file a bug in the public issue tracker and I'll be happy to address it. Please be sure to include the specific metadata type and exactly where it should open in the Lightning setup UI as that's not always obvious.

  • Issue 2252 - Fixed an issue with hiding meta.xml files in alternate Project view scopes such as Packages.
  • Issue 2254 - If the Tooling API completions?type=apex REST resource fails to yield a valid response during OST generation, the overall process now fails fast with a clear user-facing message as to the nature of the failure, e.g., a missing proxy configuration.
  • Additional improvements and fixes for .forceignore file support:
    • Issue 2258 - Removed the Add to .forceignore [negated] actions from metadata format projects.
    • Issue 2259 - The file status color attributed to files ignored by .forceignore entries can now be configured in Illuminated Cloud > Configure Application > Salesforce DX. As before, the default is the standard Ignored file status color.
    • Implemented more robust code completion in .forceignore files so that local files "under" the preceding path are now offered as completions, and the / key now acts as an auto-complete trigger.
    • All Add to .forceignore actions now add entries for both source and their supporting meta.xml files when processing a metadata type that specifies paired files.
  • Other related fixes and improvements.