release notes

  • More improvements to the initial project import/conversion workflow:
    • When a project is being imported/converted against a newly-created scratch org and there are local metadata files, the user is prompted to push before generating the OST to ensure that the initial OST generation reflects a populated org state.
    • Further improved the workaround for IDEA-302630 such that the module validator will retry until the new module type is properly detected. This should effectively eliminate the possibility of a repeated "needs IC2 module type" notification, though the time before the new module type is detected can vary slightly. It does seem to be measured in single-digit seconds, though, and if necessary this wait can be cancelled.
    • Fixed an issue where the connection list would not be refreshed properly after creating a new scratch org or authorizing a new OAuth org as part of module validator issue resolution.
    • Fixed an issue where some source files under a configured sfdx-project.json package directory would not be included under a recommended source root if they were not organized under one of the standard paths. Now all files under a configured package directory should be covered by a recommended source root.
    With these improvements, I've found the initial project import/conversion workflow to be much more reliable and streamlined. However, if you have recommendations for further improvements (or have found remaining issues), please let me know as I'd like for this to be as pleasant and reliable an experience as possible.
  • Issue 2191 (redux) - It's now possible to right-click on the project node to run all Apex tests in the project. If no All Tests run configuration exists, one will be created; otherwise the existing one is used.
  • In the process of working on these improvements, I decided to record a video of my recommended process for bringing an existing code base into IC2 with specific focus on:
    • Managing IDE configuration files under version control.
    • Ensuring that all library dependencies are properly added to the project for the best editor experience.
    • Adding shared project-level unit run configurations for project Apex and Jest unit tests
    • Performing a baseline static code analysis run and processing the reported issues, either by fixing them or by tuning a shared project-level inspection profile to yield the desired signal-to-noise ratio for the IDE's real-time static code analyzer.
    As I state at the end of that video, I'd love to hear from folks if there are additional steps that you follow every time you create a project that aren't covered in that video and/or if you have recommendations for additional efficiencies.

    Disclaimer: Please excuse the quality of my voice and occasional throat-clearing as pollen season has now begun in earnest here, and it's already taking its toll on me.