release notes

  • External Services support (beta) - Added beta-level support for External Service Registrations in Apex by generating Apex service interface classes into the ExternalService namespace of the OST. Note that there are some known issues and omissions at present, the resolution of which will require additional information from Salesforce. I have already connected with the relevant team and will be meeting with them soon. This feature will evolve based on those discussions.
  • Issue 2137 - Added the missing lightning/flowSupport LWC module.
Note that there will be no standard weekly releases for the next 2-3 weeks as I am stepping aside for some quality time with my family. The standard release cadence will resume again in mid-July with the typical new features, enhancements, and fixes. Of course, support will continue to be available during this time, and if updates are required for critical issues I will provide them as appropriate.