release notes

  • New Apex code inspections - The following new real-time Apex code inspections have been added and are enabled by default in the bundled Illuminated Cloud code inspection profile:
    • Duplicate declaration - Reports declarations with names/signatures that already exist in the same declaration scope. Includes a quick fix to navigate to the duplicate declaration.
    • Variable is assigned to itself - Reports assignment of a variable to itself, most often the result of trying to initialize or update the value of a member variable from a constructor or method parameter with the same name. Includes a quick fix to add a this. qualification to the assignment target if the value is assigned to a member variable and a local variable exists with the same name.
    • Field can be made static - Reports instance variables that can safely be made static. This inspection ignores global fields by default but can be configured to report them if desired. Includes a quick fix to add a static modifier to the field declaration and update all instance-based usages of the field to be class-based.
    • Method can be made static - Reports instance methods that can safely be made static. This inspection reports private methods by default but can be configured to report public and global methods if desired. It also ignores methods with empty bodies by default but can be configured to report them. Includes a quick fix to add a static modifier to the method declaration and update all instance-based usages of the method to be class-based.
  • Issue 1271 (redux) - Made the log query retry parameters configurable via system properties ic2.log.query.max.attempts (default 10; increased from 5 previously) and ic2.log.query.pause.duration (default 250 ms).
  • Issue 2118 - Fixed a JavaScript inspection false positive when a variable with a fully-qualified type name is passed as a function parameter defined with an unqualified version of the same type name.
  • Issue 2121 - Added reserved word SLDS as an allowed identifier in the Visualforce expression language grammar.
  • Added typedef aliases for all standard LWC component types with Lightning prefixes to minimize type name ambiguity when using doc-based type hints. For example, you can now use both Input and LightningInput for lightning/input.Input. Note that the latter is an Illuminated Cloud-specific concept and should only be used in doc-based type hints that won't result in compile failures.
  • Added quick documentation support for Apex formal parameters based on the corresponding @param ApexDoc tags in the parent method's documentation header comment.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.